Sunday, April 6, 2014

Aleister Crowley, Jimmy Page and Boleskine House

(12 October 1875 – 1 December 1947), 

*Libra Virgo Leo Pisces Cap*



Edward Alexander Crowley
he was a British occultist, mystic, poet, 
and social provocateur.


   He was a pansexual mystic, occultist, ceremonial magician, deviant, recreational drug experimenter, poet and accomplished mountaineer.
 He founded the religious philosophy of Thelema which enforced an idealist, libertine rule of
 “Do what thou wilt.” 

The British press named him
 “The Wickedest Man in the World.”

  Crowley is responsible for the modern day 
popularity with the occult. 
He inherited his father’s brewing wealth and attended Cambridge University.

  In 1898, at the age 23 he joined the clandestine organization, The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, thus beginning his long love affair with mysticism and the occult. However, his affiliation didn’t last long as he frequently offended the elder members of the group, famously aggravating well known poet William Butler Yeats.
 Crowley identified himself as a Freemason, and followed the teachings which were based on the Kabbalah, 
astrology, tarot and geomancy. 
Golden Dawn temples were established in London, 
Scotland, and Paris.

In 1899 he bought the Boleskine House on the 
shores of Loch Ness in Scotland 
(you know... where the Loch Ness monster lives).


    The Boleskine house had all of the properties 
that Crowley found necessary to perform magick rituals because it is a focal point of energy 
due to where it is sited.

Crowley bore a heavy influence on many
 musicians including Jimmy Page.

Page bought his former residence in Scotland, 
because of his fondness of Crowley and the occult.

 People believe that Crowley never properly grounded
 his rituals and the spirits are still 
roaming about the house.

Jimmy Page at Boleskine House 

Crowley was a prominent member 
of the Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO),  
and shortly after buying the Boleskine estate, 
Crowley and his wife spent time doing rituals in Egypt, believing they communicated directly with the 
Egyptian god Horus.



Crowley believed that Horus wanted him 
to be a prophet to inform the human race of the 
 entrance into the Aeon of Horus era,
 ushering in the 20th century. 

The religion Crowley created, 
Thelema, says human history can be divided 
into eras of different magical and 
religious expressions.

 The first era was the Aeon of Isis (goddess worship); 
the second was Aeon of Osiris (medieval times with male god worship), and the third is the Aeon of Horus 
(modern time with child god worship)

After more successful rituals all over the world,
 Crowley created yet another magical order 
called the Argenteum Astrum  
 and proceeded to write books 
for the remainder of his life. 

 Crowley did his “duty” of ushering in this new era
 as the Aeon of Horus, and his influence is easily seen
 in the entertainment industry. 
 Crowley’s message influenced rock mega stars such as David Bowie, the Rolling Stones, Ozzy Osbourne, 
the Beatles, the Doors
and Led Zeppelin.  

The back of a Doors album

Aleister Crowley and David Bowie

  Crowley studied Philosophy at Cambridge and later switched to English literature.
He believed he had a guardian angel, Aiwass and
 believed that he was being guided by him.   

 Crowley was depicted on the cover of 
The Beatles’ Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band.

Sgt Peppers 

 Crowley also enjoyed mountaineering.
 He rather exuberantly scaled K2 and Kanchenjunga,
 the 2nd and 3rd highest mountains in the world.



 He died penniless and alone.
Although the actual dates of Crowley’s death are heavily disputed (Dec 1st or 5th) it is true that he died a heroin addict in 1947 in a boarding house in 
Hastings, South East England.


The story of Aleister Crowley and Boleskine House

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